19 September 2024
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Confrontation between demonstrators and police at a planned far-right march in Southport. They’re now attacking a police van
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British Foreign Minister: We will seek to prevent escalation between Israel and Hezbollah
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New toll in Southport, UK stabbing attack at dance school at Taylor Swift-themed event:2 children dead; 9 injured (6 in critical condition); 2 adults also in critical condition; 17-year-old from Banks (UK), originally from Cardiff (UK), has been arrested(from press conference)
At least eight people have been attacked with stab injuries and some have been taken to a children's hospital in Southport1 Mesiac Pred
At least eight people have been attacked with stab injuries and some have been taken to a children's hospital in Southport
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8 injured in a stabbing incident in Southport, northern England, and a suspect arrested
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The United Kingdom asks for "detailed results" in Venezuela to guarantee the transparency of the presidential elections
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British Foreign Secretary: I agreed with the Lebanese Prime Minister that the expansion of the conflict in the region is not in anyone's interest
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The British envoy to the Security Council: We call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
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Eurostar says one in four trains cancelled today and over weekend after arson attacks on French rail network
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An official statement from the British Prime Minister's Office: "We will not continue with the previous government's proposal to oppose the ICC's arrest warrants against Netanyahu. The court must decide"
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Police officer suspended after footage shows suspect being stamped on the head at Manchester Airport
Britský Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint a 2 x Eurofighter Typhoon lietajú nad Čiernym morom1 Mesiac Pred
Britský Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint a 2 x Eurofighter Typhoon lietajú nad Čiernym morom
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Britský premiér: Londýn skúma možnosť sprísnenia sankcií voči Moskve
3 ľudia boli zranení v dôsledku útoku dronu v Izmaile v regióne Odesa
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The new British Chief of Staff calls for "preparing for war within three years"
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British Army Chief of Staff: We will double the army's lethal force by 2027
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UK targets more Russian-linked oil tankers with sanctions
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Radical preacher Anjem Choudary found guilty under UK terror laws of directing the banned group Al-Muhajiroun
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British Prime Minister: We want an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
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British Prime Minister: A Biden presidency will leave a legacy that extends beyond the United States
Sky News is completely off the air amid global IT problems2 Mesiac Pred
Sky News is completely off the air amid global IT problems
Prezident Zelenskyj pricestoval do Spojeného kráľovstva2 Mesiac Pred
Prezident Zelenskyj pricestoval do Spojeného kráľovstva
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The Iranian television presenter Pouria Zeraati, who was attacked in London by men believed to be acting for the Tehran government, has fled to Israel, saying that he no longer felt safe in the UK
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Documents found on body in Tenerife were Jay Slater's, say officials in latest update
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The British Foreign Secretary calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on his first visit to the Middle East
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Kyle Clifford, 26, arrested on suspicion of three counts of murder after mother and two daughters killed in crossbow attack in Bushey
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Generál Valerij Zalužnyi, bývalý veliteľ ukrajinských ozbrojených síl, pricestoval do Spojeného kráľovstva, aby prevzal svoju novú prácu ukrajinského veľvyslanca v Londýne, chápe @SkyNews
British Foreign Minister: We want an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip
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Britský premiér Keir Starmer signalizuje, že Ukrajina môže použiť britské rakety Storm Shadow na zasiahnutie vojenských cieľov v Rusku. Prvýkrát sa zaviazal k tejto pozícii, keď odpovedal na otázku @Bloomberg UK na ceste do Washingtonu
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Statement: The British Prime Minister assures Netanyahu of the need for a ceasefire in Gaza