4 Júla 2024
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Sir Keir Starmer says he found the pandemic parties in Downing Street under Boris Johnson "so reprehensible" because there should be "one rule for all"
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Ak Spojené kráľovstvo dodá Ukrajine náboje s ochudobneným uránom, Rusko bude nútené reagovať – Putin
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UK will designate nuclear power as "sustainable" in its green taxonomy following the same path as the EU's green rule book
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HSBC acquires Silicon Valley Bank's UK arm for £1
"We want to work together and build concrete solutions for our future. I want to salute the new direction that has been taken": @EmmanuelMacron to @RishiSunak
"I am very happy Mr. Prime Minister to meet you at the Elysée. 5 years have passed since the last meeting. This summit is exceptional, it is a moment of reunion, reconnection, and new departure": @EmmanuelMacron to @RishiSunak
Police in Belfast have begun a murder inquiry after a man assaulted in the city five weeks ago died in hospital
U.S. State Dept okays potential Javelin anti-tank missile sales to UK -Pentagon
Gardaí are questioning a man following a fatal stabbing in Kilkenny.  The victim was found at a house in the Meadow Way area last night1 Rok Pred
Gardaí are questioning a man following a fatal stabbing in Kilkenny. The victim was found at a house in the Meadow Way area last night
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Sunak: The agreement with the European Union will eliminate the bureaucracy of transporting goods on the island of Ireland
EU and UK strike Brexit deal on Northern Ireland
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The 11.59pm tremor was 3.8 magnitude and occurred at a depth of two kilometres at 23:59:39, according to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre
Kráľ Karol sa stretol s ukrajinskými jednotkami, ktoré v súčasnosti trénujú v Spojenom kráľovstve1 Rok Pred
Kráľ Karol sa stretol s ukrajinskými jednotkami, ktoré v súčasnosti trénujú v Spojenom kráľovstve
Britský premiér Rishi Sunak povedal, že Spojené kráľovstvo bude prvou krajinou, ktorá poskytne Ukrajine zbrane dlhého doletu - prejav na Mníchovskej bezpečnostnej konferencii
Prezident @AndrzejDuda v Londýne: Čoskoro sa uskutoční samit B9 vo Varšave a stretnutie s @POTUS. Sme tesne pred samitom @NATO vo Vilniuse. S britským premiérom sme hovorili o tom, čo chceme dosiahnuť na Summit a ako pokračovať v podpore Ukrajiny1 Rok Pred
Prezident @AndrzejDuda v Londýne: "Čoskoro sa uskutoční samit B9 vo Varšave a stretnutie s @POTUS. Sme tesne pred samitom @NATO vo Vilniuse. S britským premiérom sme hovorili o tom, čo chceme dosiahnuť na Summit a ako pokračovať v podpore Ukrajiny
Vláda Spojeného kráľovstva uvalila sankcie na ruskú spoločnosť ZALA AERO, výrobcu bezpilotných lietadiel Lancet, KUB a Zala1 Rok Pred
Vláda Spojeného kráľovstva uvalila sankcie na ruskú spoločnosť ZALA AERO, výrobcu bezpilotných lietadiel Lancet, KUB a Zala
PM Rishi Sunak: Vitajte vo Veľkej Británii, prezident @ZelenskyyUa1 Rok Pred
PM Rishi Sunak: Vitajte vo Veľkej Británii, prezident @ZelenskyyUa
V Londýne pristálo lietadlo s prezidentom Volodymyrom Zelenským. Podľa medializovaných informácií ho dnes prijme britský kráľ Karol III1 Rok Pred
V Londýne pristálo lietadlo s prezidentom Volodymyrom Zelenským. Podľa medializovaných informácií ho dnes prijme britský kráľ Karol III
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Detectives have started a murder investigation after a 15-year-old girl was fatally stabbed in Hexham while a boy aged 16 is in hospital with injuries that are not life-threatening, Northumbria Police said
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British government spokeswoman: We are committed to seeking justice for the victims of the Douma attack and holding all those who used chemical weapons in Syria accountable
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A UK teenager whose extreme-right material influenced multiple attacks in the US, including the teenage Buffalo shooter, sentenced to 11.5yrs.
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Britský premiér Rishi Sunak sľúbil poskytnúť Ukrajine tanky a delostrelecké systémy uprostred obnovených raketových útokov Moskvy zameraných na viaceré ukrajinské mestá po prvý raz za takmer dva týždne.
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THREE Women aged 41yrs 48yrs 54yrs & a 7yr Girl have been 'Shot' and Injured in a shooting in Phoenix Road close to Euston Railway Stn today at 1.30pm; Non are life threatening but the 48yr woman has potentially Life Changing Injuries;
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UK imposes sanctions on Iran prosecutor general over the execution of former deputy Defense Minister Akbari
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Británia poskytne Ukrajine tanky Challenger 2, potvrdil premiér Rishi Sunak počas telefonátu s prezidentom Zelenským
Iran says it has executed a dual Iranian-British national who once worked for its defense ministry, despite an international outcry over his death sentence and those of others held amid nationwide protests
A man has been arrested after two people were killed in a shooting in Brixton1 Rok Pred
A man has been arrested after two people were killed in a shooting in Brixton
A small amount of uranium has been detected in a package that arrived in the UK at London Heathrow airport following a routine screening
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Downing Street confirms that people travelling to the UK from China will not be allowed to embark without a negative COVID test from 5 January
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Metropolitan Police Events:Eight people were arrested: 2 x drunk and disorderly 1 x drink driving 1 x sexual assault 1 x possession of an offensive weapon 1 x assault on an emergency worker 1 x common assault and possession of cannabis 1 x assault on an emergency worker and handling stolen goods