2 Január 2025
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Metropolitan Police Events:Soccertrophy Travelling to Brentford Stadium for @WEURO2022 match on Friday When you are on your way and inside the venue, stay alert and aware of your surroundings. If any concerns, speak to police or security staff or call 999 in an emergency. Security is a team effort
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Associated Press: British Navy seizes shipment of advanced Iranian missiles destined for Yemen
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Kremeľ: Johnson nás nemá rád a my nemáme radi jeho
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Boris Johnson is resigning as Conservative Party leader, the BBC has reported
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BBC Political Editor @ChrisMasonBBC reports that Boris Johnson is to resign
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Staff in No 10 have been told that Boris Johnson IS resigning and his letter has been prepared
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Michael Gove sacked by Boris Johnson
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Boris Johnson will speak to the Queen of Britain this evening
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Reuters: The British Home Secretary has joined the group of ministers calling for the departure of Boris Johnson
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5 more resignations from Boris Johnson's government, taking number of resignations to 26
Tajomník Micheál Martin pricestoval na pozvanie Zelenského do Kyjeva. Má navštíviť poškodené oblasti a vyjadriť podporu stíhaniu vojnových zločinov. „Ľudia Írska stoja s Ukrajinou a jej ľudom tvárou v tvár nemorálnej a nevyprovokovanej ruskej teroristickej vojne, povedal.2 Rok Pred
Tajomník Micheál Martin pricestoval na pozvanie Zelenského do Kyjeva. Má navštíviť poškodené oblasti a vyjadriť podporu stíhaniu vojnových zločinov. „Ľudia Írska stoja s Ukrajinou a jej ľudom tvárou v tvár nemorálnej a nevyprovokovanej ruskej teroristickej vojne," povedal.
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UK finance and health ministers resign from @BorisJohnson Cabinet
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UK says killing of civilians, shelling of schools and hospitals by Pro-Assad forces is deplorable, encouraging Syria to end human rights violations
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Downing Street says former Housing Minister Kelly Tolhurst has been appointed as the new Conservative Deputy Chief Whip following the resignation of Chris Pincher
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Boris Johnson is facing calls to expel the Tory party deputy chief whip who resigned after admitting he "drank too much" and "embarrassed" himself in a bombshell letter to the prime minister
Írsky premiér: Rád som sa dnes večer stretol s lídrami z celej EÚ a sveta na euroatlantickej večeri v Madride. Dôležitosť spolupráce medzinárodného spoločenstva a demokracií vo svetle nemorálnej vojny na Ukrajine je jednou z hlavných priorít
An explosion has destroyed one house and significantly damaged others in the Kingstanding area of Birmingham with casualties reported, British police said on Sunday2 Rok Pred
An explosion has destroyed one house and significantly damaged others in the Kingstanding area of Birmingham with casualties reported, British police said on Sunday
Boris Johnson: Musíme podporiť Ukrajinu, aby posilnila svoju ruku vo vojne a akýchkoľvek budúcich rokovaniach. Prezident @Emmanuel Macron a ja sme sa dohodli, že v tomto kritickom momente zintenzívnime našu vojenskú podporu pre Ukrajinu a posilníme anglo-francúzsku spoluprácu v oblasti obrany a bezpečnosti.2 Rok Pred
Boris Johnson: Musíme podporiť Ukrajinu, aby posilnila svoju ruku vo vojne a akýchkoľvek budúcich rokovaniach. Prezident @Emmanuel Macron a ja sme sa dohodli, že v tomto kritickom momente zintenzívnime našu vojenskú podporu pre Ukrajinu a posilníme anglo-francúzsku spoluprácu v oblasti obrany a bezpečnosti.
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Britský premiér: Dôsledky ruského víťazstva na Ukrajine budú hrozivejšie ako v súčasnosti a G7 musí zintenzívniť úsilie, aby tomu zabránila
A man has been seriously injured following a shooting in Kilmaimham in Dublin this morning. The shooting happened at a carpark at the back of a hotel in the Kilmainham area, at around 11.30am. Gardaí are currently at the scene and the victim has been brought to hospital
An Irish politician has been arrested after trying to board British naval vessel HMS Enterprise, a survey ship, in Cork Harbour. Here's a clip of the incident
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UK Home Secretary Priti Patel has signed Julian Assange's extradition to the US
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Bank of England raises interest rates by 0.25% to 1.25%, the first time since January 2009 that the rate is higher than 1%
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Británia uvalila sankcie na moskovského pravoslávneho patriarchu Kirilla
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Britská obrana: Ruské sily prevyšujú počet ukrajinských síl na východnom fronte
EU takes new legal action against UK for breaching N. Ireland agreement
British Embassy in Khartoum: The political agreement is necessary for food security, civil protection and peacebuilding in Darfur
Maroš Šefčovič:EU-UK relationship must be based on the full respect of our legally binding commitments. My statement to the UK government's decision to table legislation disapplying core elements of the Protocol on IE/NI
The EU could take legal action against the UK as soon as Wednesday in response to the bill to overturn the Northern Ireland Protocol, RTE News understands
Maroš Šefčovič: Spoke to @trussliz earlier where she informed me of flag-gbflag-gblegislation to unilaterally disapply the Protocol. The EU has always paid utmost attention to the impact Brexit has on NI, offering workable solutions. Unilateral action is damaging to mutual trust & a formula for uncertainty