5 Październik 2024
2 miesiąc temu
British Prime Minister: We want an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
2 miesiąc temu
British Prime Minister: A Biden presidency will leave a legacy that extends beyond the United States
Sky News is completely off the air amid global IT problems2 miesiąc temu
Sky News is completely off the air amid global IT problems
Prezydent Zełenski przybył do Wielkiej Brytanii2 miesiąc temu
Prezydent Zełenski przybył do Wielkiej Brytanii
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The Iranian television presenter Pouria Zeraati, who was attacked in London by men believed to be acting for the Tehran government, has fled to Israel, saying that he no longer felt safe in the UK
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Documents found on body in Tenerife were Jay Slater's, say officials in latest update
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The British Foreign Secretary calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on his first visit to the Middle East
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Kyle Clifford, 26, arrested on suspicion of three counts of murder after mother and two daughters killed in crossbow attack in Bushey
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Generał Walerii Załużnyj, były szef ukraińskich sił zbrojnych, przybył do Wielkiej Brytanii, aby objąć nową posadę ambasadora Ukrainy w Londynie, jak rozumie @SkyNews
British Foreign Minister: We want an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip
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Brytyjski premier Keir Starmer sygnalizuje, że Ukraina może użyć brytyjskich rakiet Storm Shadow do atakowania celów wojskowych na terenie Rosji. Po raz pierwszy zaangażował się w to stanowisko, odpowiadając na pytanie @Bloomberg UK w drodze do Waszyngtonu
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Statement: The British Prime Minister assures Netanyahu of the need for a ceasefire in Gaza
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British Foreign Secretary: We seek a balanced position towards Israel and Gaza
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Starmer: We buried Rwanda's plan to deport refugees
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UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer says prisons "are broken" and that "tough decisions" are to come
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The new British Prime Minister: We will commit to the size of defense spending based on public financial rules
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The new British Prime Minister: What has just changed is the mentality with which the government will operate
Biden calls the British Prime Minister to congratulate him on assuming his new position
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The British Prime Minister begins forming his government
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Labour wins UK General Election after reaching the required 326 seats
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The British Prime Minister announces that he bears responsibility for the loss in the general elections: I am sorry
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British Prime Minister: I called Labor Party leader Keir Starmer to congratulate him on winning the election
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British media: Sunak's speech at 3:30 local time after the Conservatives' historic loss
Exit poll suggests Labour have won a landslide victory with an overall majority of around 170 seats. The Conservatives are likely to record their lowest ever number of seats and share of the vote in a general election since 18323 miesiąc temu
Exit poll suggests Labour have won a landslide victory with an overall majority of around 170 seats. The Conservatives are likely to record their lowest ever number of seats and share of the vote in a general election since 1832
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Vote counting begins in the British legislative elections
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Polls opened in UK as the Labour set to win the biggest majority in the history of the parliament
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Driver who ploughed into school in Wimbledon, UK, killing two girls, had epileptic seizure at wheel and will not face criminal charges
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Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the US Justice Department that will allow him to go free
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Stany Zjednoczone, Korea (ROK) i Japonia „w możliwie najostrzejszy sposób potępiają" pogłębianie współpracy wojskowej między KRLD a Rosją, w tym ciągłe transfery broni, które przedłużają cierpienia narodu ukraińskiego, — Wspólne oświadczenie
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British Manchester Airport suspends flights due to the disruption caused by the power outage