4 Jūlijs 2024
1 mēnesis atpakaļ
One passenger killed and others injured on flight from London to Singapore hit by severe turbulence, airline says
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The Taoiseach says Ireland will recognise the State of Palestine in the coming daysIt comes after the Israeli President warned Simon Harris that Ireland recognising Palestine could damage attempts to free hostages trapped in Gaza and legitimise Hamas@
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Krievijas Ārlietu ministrija izraidīja Lielbritānijas militāro atašeju
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British Minister of State: The uncertainty about Israel's compliance with international law is a challenge for us
UK police charge three men with helping Hong Kong's foreign intelligence service1 mēnesis atpakaļ
UK police charge three men with helping Hong Kong's foreign intelligence service
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EU's foreign minister says Spain, Ireland and other European Union member countries plan to recognise a Palestinian state on May 21, ahead of an expected UN vote today on a Palestinian bid to become a full member
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British Foreign Secretary: We will continue licensing procedures for arms sales to Israel
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China has hacked the Ministry of Defence, Sky News understands
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Krievijas Ārlietu ministrija ir izsaukusi Lielbritānijas vēstnieku Maskavā un paziņojusi viņam, ka Krievija varētu mērķēt pret Apvienotās Karalistes militāro infrastruktūru un aprīkojumu Ukrainā vai citās vietās, ja Ukraina izmantos britu ieročus pret Krievijas Federāciju.
1 mēnesis atpakaļ
Krievijas Ārlietu ministrija izsaukusi Lielbritānijas vēstnieku Maskavā
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UK imposes sanctions on a far-right Israeli group and on four settlers
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Reuters: A British policeman was charged with terrorism-related charges for showing support for Hamas
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The King’s “thoughts and prayers are with all those affected” by the “horrific” Hainault stabbings, “in particular, the family of the young victim who has lost his life”, a Buckingham Palace spokesman said
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Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf is to resign as early as today, the BBC understands
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MINING M&A: The world's largest mining company, BHP Group, has made a takeover approach for smaller rival Anglo American, a move that could spark the biggest shakeup in the industry in over a decade
Astanā ieradās Lielbritānijas ārlietu ministrs Deivids Kamerons2 mēnesis atpakaļ
Astanā ieradās Lielbritānijas ārlietu ministrs Deivids Kamerons
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The Irish Foreign Minister stresses the need to increase humanitarian aid in Gaza
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Britain will put defense industry into war footing, Prime Minister Sunak says.London will increase defense spending to 2.5% of GDP by 2030
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British Prime Minister: We will increase defense research and development to no less than 5% of the defense budget
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Irish Foreign Minister: We will continue to provide support to UNRWA
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A boat with more than 100 migrants has sunk in the English Channel
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French media: 5 migrants died while trying to cross the English Channel
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The Council of Europe calls on Britain to reverse its decision to deport migrants to Rwanda
@RishiSunak paziņos par visu laiku lielāko militārās palīdzības paketi Ukrainai vizītes laikā Polijā: 500 miljonu mārciņu palielinājums Ukrainai, 400 transportlīdzekļi, 1600 munīcijas, 4 miljoni munīcijas2 mēnesis atpakaļ
@RishiSunak paziņos par visu laiku lielāko militārās palīdzības paketi Ukrainai vizītes laikā Polijā: 500 miljonu mārciņu palielinājums Ukrainai, 400 transportlīdzekļi, 1600 munīcijas, 4 miljoni munīcijas
2 mēnesis atpakaļ
London: New sanctions on Iran include the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces
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British Foreign Minister: We hope that Israel will act in a way that does not lead to escalation as much as possible
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UK Foreign Secretary Cameron urges G7 to impose new sanctions on Iran
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UK PM Rishi Sunak: 'Our forces destroyed a number of Iranian drones'
Britain announces the deployment of fighter jets and refueling aircraft in the region in response to Iran's escalation
2 mēnesis atpakaļ
British RAF has been involved in the defence of Israel tonight