4 Jūlijs 2024
Prezidents @AndrzejDuda Londonā: Drīzumā notiks B9 samits Varšavā un tikšanās ar @POTUS. Esam tieši pirms @NATO samita Viļņā. Ar Lielbritānijas premjerministru mēs runājām par to, ko vēlamies sasniegt Samits un kā turpināt atbalstīt Ukrainu1 gads atpakaļ
Prezidents @AndrzejDuda Londonā: "Drīzumā notiks B9 samits Varšavā un tikšanās ar @POTUS. Esam tieši pirms @NATO samita Viļņā. Ar Lielbritānijas premjerministru mēs runājām par to, ko vēlamies sasniegt Samits un kā turpināt atbalstīt Ukrainu
Apvienotās Karalistes valdība sankcijas Krievijas ZALA AERO, Lancet, KUB un Zala dronu ražotājam1 gads atpakaļ
Apvienotās Karalistes valdība sankcijas Krievijas ZALA AERO, Lancet, KUB un Zala dronu ražotājam
PM Rishi Sunak: Laipni lūdzam Apvienotajā Karalistē, prezident @ZelenskyyUa1 gads atpakaļ
PM Rishi Sunak: Laipni lūdzam Apvienotajā Karalistē, prezident @ZelenskyyUa
Bangbangbangbang Londonā nolaidusies lidmašīna, kurā atradās prezidents Volodimirs Zelenskis. Saskaņā ar plašsaziņas līdzekļu ziņām viņu šodien pieņems Apvienotās Karalistes karalis Čārlzs III1 gads atpakaļ
Bangbangbangbang Londonā nolaidusies lidmašīna, kurā atradās prezidents Volodimirs Zelenskis. Saskaņā ar plašsaziņas līdzekļu ziņām viņu šodien pieņems Apvienotās Karalistes karalis Čārlzs III
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Detectives have started a murder investigation after a 15-year-old girl was fatally stabbed in Hexham while a boy aged 16 is in hospital with injuries that are not life-threatening, Northumbria Police said
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British government spokeswoman: We are committed to seeking justice for the victims of the Douma attack and holding all those who used chemical weapons in Syria accountable
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A UK teenager whose extreme-right material influenced multiple attacks in the US, including the teenage Buffalo shooter, sentenced to 11.5yrs.
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Apvienotās Karalistes premjerministrs Riši Sunaks solīja piegādāt Ukrainai tankus un artilērijas sistēmas saistībā ar atkārtotiem Maskavas raķešu uzbrukumiem, kas pirmo reizi gandrīz divu nedēļu laikā mērķēti uz vairākām Ukrainas pilsētām.
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THREE Women aged 41yrs 48yrs 54yrs & a 7yr Girl have been 'Shot' and Injured in a shooting in Phoenix Road close to Euston Railway Stn today at 1.30pm; Non are life threatening but the 48yr woman has potentially Life Changing Injuries;
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UK imposes sanctions on Iran prosecutor general over the execution of former deputy Defense Minister Akbari
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Lielbritānija piegādās Ukrainai tankus Challenger 2, sarunā ar prezidentu Zelenski apstiprina premjerministrs Riši Sunaks.
Iran says it has executed a dual Iranian-British national who once worked for its defense ministry, despite an international outcry over his death sentence and those of others held amid nationwide protests
A man has been arrested after two people were killed in a shooting in Brixton1 gads atpakaļ
A man has been arrested after two people were killed in a shooting in Brixton
A small amount of uranium has been detected in a package that arrived in the UK at London Heathrow airport following a routine screening1 gads atpakaļ
A small amount of uranium has been detected in a package that arrived in the UK at London Heathrow airport following a routine screening
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Downing Street confirms that people travelling to the UK from China will not be allowed to embark without a negative COVID test from 5 January
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Metropolitan Police Events:Eight people were arrested: 2 x drunk and disorderly 1 x drink driving 1 x sexual assault 1 x possession of an offensive weapon 1 x assault on an emergency worker 1 x common assault and possession of cannabis 1 x assault on an emergency worker and handling stolen goods
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British Armed Forces Minister: We agree with the vision of the Saudi Crown Prince to develop the partnership
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Guardian hit by serious it incident believed to be ransomware attack - the Guardian
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Lielbritānijas aizsardzības ministrs: Krievija apmaiņā pret bezpilota lidaparātiem plāno nodrošināt Irānu ar modernu militāro aprīkojumu
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Apvienotā Karaliste piemēro sankcijas Krievijas militārajiem komandieriem un Irānas uzņēmējiem
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Metropolitan Police Events:SoccertrophyGoing to a venue showing a WORLD CUP 2022 match today Stay alert. Be aware of your surroundings when you are on your way to and inside a venue. If you have any concerns, speak to police or security staff or call 999 in an emergency
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During the phone call between President Erdogan and British Prime Minister Sunak, steps that will improve relations between the two countries, especially in the trade and defense industry, were discussed.
United Kingdom: a man arrested in the case of the sinking of 27 dead migrants in the English Channel1 gads atpakaļ
United Kingdom: a man arrested in the case of the sinking of 27 dead migrants in the English Channel
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The United Kingdom excludes a Chinese company from the new "Sysoil" nuclear project
BBC Statement on Ed Lawrence1 gads atpakaļ
BBC Statement on Ed Lawrence
Lielbritānijas Ārlietu ministrijas vadītājs Kijevā tikās ar Volodimiru Zelenski:1 gads atpakaļ
Lielbritānijas Ārlietu ministrijas vadītājs Kijevā tikās ar Volodimiru Zelenski:
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Apvienotā Karaliste ir piegādājusi Ukrainai savu pirmo militāro helikopteru - Sea King, lai stiprinātu meklēšanas un glābšanas izlūkošanas spējas, kā arī dos Ukrainas bruņotajiem spēkiem vēl 10 000 artilērijas šāvienu, paziņojis @BWallaceMP.
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Metropolitan Police Events:Soccertrophy Going to a pub showing a @WORLDCUP2022 match today Stay alert. Be aware of your surroundings when you are on your way to and inside a venue. If any concerns, speak to police or security staff or call 999 in an emergency
The Islamic Republic's Foreign Ministry has once again summoned the British ambassador to Tehran over the "attack of a violent group" against the Iranian embassy's building in London and their "insult" against the Islamic Republic's "sacred flag"
Four men have been charged after guns and pipe bombs were seized during a pre-planned operation targeting the East Belfast UVF