6 Srpanj 2024
9 mjesec pre
There has been a large explosion in Oxfordshire tonight. Suggestions from eye witnesses are a possible lightning strike.
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A explosion due to lighting strike is reported near in the Oxford, UK
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UK planira poslati trupe u Ukrajinu da obučavaju ukrajinske snage na terenu, kaže ministar obrane Grant Shapps - Telegraph
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Metropolitan Police says a 15-year-old girl has died after a stabbing in Croydon, South London
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Oba doma britanskog parlamenta upravo su odobrila prijedlog ministra unutarnjih poslova za dodavanje Wagner grupe na popis zabranjenih terorističkih organizacija
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Man dies after being attacked by two dogs in street in Stonnall near Walsall, UK
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Služba sigurnosti Ukrajine optužila je ruskog tajkuna Mihaila Fridmana za financiranje rata protiv Ukrajine
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Il-76 ruskih Zračno-svemirskih snaga upravo je stigao iz Rusije na aerodrom Machulishchy (okrug Minsk, Bjelorusija). Ovo je prvi dolazak vojno-transportnog zrakoplova Il-76 ruskih Zračno-svemirskih snaga u Machulishchy u posljednjih mjesec dana. Zrakoplov je sletio u 20:55
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Home Office says 661 individuals crossed English Channel in 15 small boats yesterday
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The British Prime Minister discusses by phone with the Saudi Crown Prince the relations between the two countries
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RAF Typhoon jets have intercepted Russian bombers flying north of Scotland, the UK government has said
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Britain: A growing threat around the Strait of Hormuz and all passing ships should be careful and report any suspicious activity
Iran's Foreign Ministry summons Britain's ambassador to Tehran to protest his "interference in Iran's internal affairs".
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Vlada Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva uvela je sankcije pojedincima koji su povezani s Wagnerovom skupinom u Srednjoafričkoj Republici
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Šef britanske obavještajne službe: Odluka Irana da Rusiji opskrbi dronove izaziva sporove u Teheranu
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Chinese Embassy in London: Britain suppresses Chinese companies and we strongly oppose its discriminatory measures
Predsjednik Ukrajine Zelenski održao je u Vilniusu susrete s premijerom Kanade Justinom Trudeauom, njemačkim kancelarom Olafom Scholzom, premijerom Velike Britanije Rishijem Sunakom
Two brothers from Birmingham , UK have been arrested for trying to travel to Afghanistan to join the Islamic State Khorasan branch (ISKP)12 mjesec pre
Two brothers from Birmingham , UK have been arrested for trying to travel to Afghanistan to join the Islamic State Khorasan branch (ISKP)
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British government: We will create a new sanctions program on Iran to expand the criteria for applying sanctions
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The UK is planning new powers to sanction Iran after more than 15 “credible threats” to kill or kidnap people in Britain who are deemed as a threat by the government, the foreign secretary @JamesCleverly has announced
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Britain adds 13 entities to the sanctions list related to human rights violations in Iran
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Kinesko vojno izaslanstvo razgovaralo je u Britaniji i Francuskoj o razvoju obrambene suradnje – kinesko ministarstvo obrane
Predsjednik Biden "razgovarao je danas s francuskim predsjednikom Emmanuelom Macronom, njemačkim kancelarom Olafom Scholzom i britanskim premijerom Rishijem Sunakom. Čelnici su razgovarali o situaciji u Rusiji. Također su potvrdili svoju nepokolebljivu potporu Ukrajini", prema Whiteu Kuća.
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A tourist submarine used to take tourists to view the Titanic has gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean. Search and rescue mission ongoing - BBC
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UK police say man arrested after 3 people found dead in Nottingham, 3 others injured when hit by van
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British Police: The investigation team is still working at the scene to find out what happened in Nottingham
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The security alert in the center of Nottingham amounts to dealing with a terrorist incident
Police dealing with a major incident in Nottingham have closed multiple roads around the city.nnEmergency services are present at areas including the Maid Marian Way junction of Upper Parliament Street1 godine pre
Police dealing with a "major incident" in Nottingham have closed multiple roads around the city.nnEmergency services are present at areas including the Maid Marian Way junction of Upper Parliament Street
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UK police assessing suspicious package near Downing street in London - statement
Britanski ministar vanjskih poslova James Cleverly sastao se s predsjednikom Zelenskim u Kijevu1 godine pre
Britanski ministar vanjskih poslova James Cleverly sastao se s predsjednikom Zelenskim u Kijevu