5 Listopad 2024
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Labour wins UK General Election after reaching the required 326 seats
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The British Prime Minister announces that he bears responsibility for the loss in the general elections: I am sorry
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British Prime Minister: I called Labor Party leader Keir Starmer to congratulate him on winning the election
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British media: Sunak's speech at 3:30 local time after the Conservatives' historic loss
Exit poll suggests Labour have won a landslide victory with an overall majority of around 170 seats. The Conservatives are likely to record their lowest ever number of seats and share of the vote in a general election since 18323 mjesec pre
Exit poll suggests Labour have won a landslide victory with an overall majority of around 170 seats. The Conservatives are likely to record their lowest ever number of seats and share of the vote in a general election since 1832
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Vote counting begins in the British legislative elections
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Polls opened in UK as the Labour set to win the biggest majority in the history of the parliament
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Driver who ploughed into school in Wimbledon, UK, killing two girls, had epileptic seizure at wheel and will not face criminal charges
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Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the US Justice Department that will allow him to go free
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SAD, Koreja (ROK) i Japan 'najoštrije osuđuju' produbljivanje vojne suradnje između DNRK i Rusije, uključujući nastavak prometa oružja koji produžava patnju ukrajinskog naroda, — Zajednička izjava
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British Manchester Airport suspends flights due to the disruption caused by the power outage
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All flights from two gates at Manchester Airport have been canceled until further notice
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A 67-year-old man is remanded in custody charged with the murder of an elderly man in Crossmaglen
Britanija je proširila svoje sankcije protiv Rusije, slijedeći primjer Sjedinjenih Država. Nove sankcije uključuju 50 dodatnih stavki, a ciljaju šest brodova iz takozvane flote u sjeni i nekoliko velikih ruskih financijskih institucija i poduzeća. Ključni sankcionirani subjekti uključuju Moskovsku burzu, SPB burzu, Nacionalni klirinški centar, Nacionalni depozitar za namire Rusije i Ingosstrakh. Konkretni pojedinci pogođeni sankcijama su Yury Denisov (predsjednik Moskovske burze), biznismen Ivan Tavrin, Avet Mirakyan (osnivač Insitea), Denys Frolov (suvlasnik Astra Group) i Armen Sarkisyan (vlasnik S8 Capital grupe) . Dodatno, sankcije su uvedene tvrtkama iz Kine, Kirgistana, Turske, Izraela, Srednjoafričke Republike i UAE3 mjesec pre
Britanija je proširila svoje sankcije protiv Rusije, slijedeći primjer Sjedinjenih Država. Nove sankcije uključuju 50 dodatnih stavki, a ciljaju šest brodova iz takozvane "flote u sjeni" i nekoliko velikih ruskih financijskih institucija i poduzeća. Ključni sankcionirani subjekti uključuju Moskovsku burzu, SPB burzu, Nacionalni klirinški centar, Nacionalni depozitar za namire Rusije i Ingosstrakh. Konkretni pojedinci pogođeni sankcijama su Yury Denisov (predsjednik Moskovske burze), biznismen Ivan Tavrin, Avet Mirakyan (osnivač Insitea), Denys Frolov (suvlasnik Astra Group) i Armen Sarkisyan (vlasnik S8 Capital grupe) . Dodatno, sankcije su uvedene tvrtkama iz Kine, Kirgistana, Turske, Izraela, Srednjoafričke Republike i UAE
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Kralj Charles III kaže na Dan D da se "narodi moraju zajedno suprotstaviti tiraniji"
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British Foreign Secretary: We are concerned about Israel's intention to impose new financial restrictions on the Palestinian Authority
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The size of the British Army has shrunk BELOW 73,000 for the first time, new figures released today by the MoD reveal
Irish Prime Minister urges Israel to stop the "humanitarian catastrophe" in Gaza
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British Foreign Minister: The Israeli army's investigation into the air strikes on Rafah should be prompt, thorough and transparent
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Jeremy Corbyn has been expelled from the Labour party
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Man, 64, charged with assisting Russian intelligence service, London police say
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Rishi Sunak confirms the general election will be held on 4 July
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UK PM Rishi Sunak expected to announce summer general election in statement outside Downing Street
Israel's Netanyahu: Plan by some European countries to recognise a Palestinian state is prize for terrorism - @Reuters
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Britanski ministar obrane Grant Shapps optužio je Kinu za pružanje ili pripremu pružanja Rusiji "smrtonosne pomoći" i "suradnje na borbenoj opremi" za Putinov rat u Ukrajini, citirajući nove američke i britanske obavještajne podatke
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The Secretary-General of the Arab League calls on countries that do not recognize Palestine to follow the example of Norway, Ireland and Spain
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Arab League: The recognition of the State of Palestine by Norway, Ireland and Spain is a positive development
Ireland has now announced their Official Recognition of a Palestinian State, with Spain also said to be following the lead of Ireland and Norway on May 28th
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A former Royal Marine accused of spying for the Hong Kong intelligence service has died in unexplained circumstances in a park in Maidenhead
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One passenger killed and others injured on flight from London to Singapore hit by severe turbulence, airline says