The Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has confirmed to the BBC that he will visit Moscow next week for talks with Russia Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu
3 year agoZelensky met with Johnson at the Mariinsky Palace
3 year agoThe moment a British Airways plane traveling from Aberdeen, Scotland, aborted an attempt to land on the runway at London's Heathrow Airport due to strong winds
Prime Minister @MorawieckiM says in Kyiv that "foreign ministers are working on a possible format that could bring closer cooperation in many fields between Poland, Ukraine and Great Britain"
Kyiv: Prime Minister @MorawieckiM ensures that we are ready to support Ukraine in both gas, defense and humanitarian issues
3 year agoSome navy vessels of Russia's Northern Fleet are heading South towards the Channel. Only the position of an associated tanker, the Vyazma, is visible. In its path is Danish frigate HDMS Peter Willemoes (F362), currently part of NATO's SNMG1 (NATO Standing Maritime Group 1)
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss: I tested positive for Covid this evening. Thankfully I've had my three jabs and will be working from home while I isolate
Sue Gray report says the Downing Street garden was "used for gatherings without clear authorisation or oversight" and "this was not appropriate" It says there is significant learning to be drawn from events at Downing St "which must be addressed immediately across Govt"
Sky News understands the Sue Gray report into lockdown parties in Downing Street & Whitehall is expected to be submitted to No. 10 today
3 year agoUK says it will offer large new military deployment to Europe this week, PM Boris Johnson to speak with Putin this week as well
Russia has told Ireland the naval exercises have now been moved out outside the EEZ
3 year agoUK prime minister Boris Johnson will speak to Russia's president Putin in coming days on Ukraine crisis. - Coming week could be important one for Johnson on foreign policy stage as he looks to assert UK role in mediating crisis
PM Johnson urges Putin to back down to avoid a "bloodbath"
Asked whether it is correct that Foreign Secretary @trussliz will be travelling to Russia in the next 2 weeks, a @FCDOGovUK spokesperson said: "We will update any Foreign Secretary travel plans in the usual way"
3 year agoForeign office Secretary Liz Truss and FM of Germany @ABaerbock discussed: The severe cost of Russian aggression against Ukraine; Working together as @NATO allies to defend European security; Russia must de-escalate and pursue a path of diplomacy
The United Kingdom supports @USUN in calling for a meeting of the Security Council on Ukraine next week. The build up of Russian forces on Ukraine's border is a matter of crucial importance to international peace and security
Ukraine's parliament has just ratified a deal with Great Britain to get a 1.7 billion pound sterling loan to get warships and naval infrastructure
Britain is in talks to send thousands of extra troops to Eastern Europe *before* any potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, reports CNN. US and a handful of Nato allies (including UK) are reportedly considering sending a 1,000-strong battlegroup each
The Russian Ambassador to Ireland has said that he would be willing to meet groups of fisherman to negotiate a settlement
3 year agoRAF C17 Globemaster III RRR6704 descending for Kyiv from Lviv
An 18-year-old woman was attacked and beaten by three men armed with what police believe was a metal pole in north Belfast last night
Boris Johnson has warned Putin that if Russia invades Ukraine, the UK will look to contribute to "any new Nato deployment to protect our allies in Europe"
3 year agoRAF C17 Globemaster III RRR6704 descending for Lviv Ukraine
Two men are arrested in Manchester as part of the investigation into the Texas synagogue attack by British hostage-taker Malik Faisal Akram
Foreign sec @trussliz says "we've ruled nothing out" re sanctions against Russia in event of incursion in Ukraine
Civil servant Sue Gray's report into claims of parties in Downing Street during the COVID lockdowns could be published as early as tomorrow
Sky News understands that officials have handed over to civil servant Sue Gray - who is leading an inquiry into claims of lockdown breaches at Downing Street - photos of parties in Downing Street which include Prime Minister Boris Johnson
UK PM Johnson says it's not just Ukraine that Putin has his eye on