22 October 2024
Quatre líders, Biden, Scholz, Macron i Starmer, "tindran l'oportunitat de discutir qüestions globals urgents, inclosa Ucraïna, inclòs l'Orient Mitjà", va dir als periodistes un alt responsable de l'administració de Biden.
British Prime Minister: We, along with France, have requested an emergency session of the Security Council on the critical humanitarian situation in Gaza
British Prime Minister: We are considering imposing sanctions on Israeli ministers Smotrich and Ben-Gvir due to their statements and activities
Irish PM: I am deeply concerned about Israeli forces firing on UNIFIL positions in Naqoura
A Londres, el president d'Ucraïna, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, es va reunir amb el primer ministre de Gran Bretanya Keir Starmer i li va presentar els detalls del Pla de la Victòria.1 week ago
A Londres, el president d'Ucraïna, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, es va reunir amb el primer ministre de Gran Bretanya Keir Starmer i li va presentar els detalls del Pla de la Victòria.
2 week ago
UK Foreign Secretary: Concerned by reports of Israeli airstrikes targeting health facilities and support staff in Lebanon
2 week ago
250 British nationals have left Lebanon on flights chartered by UK government - FCDO statement
2 week ago
Reuters, citing a British government source: We did not participate in the air strikes on Yemen
2 week ago
British Prime Minister: We are doing everything we can to de-escalate in the Middle East
British government: Two fighter jets and an air-to-air refueling plane participated in protecting Israel
2 week ago
UK confirms British forces helped to defend Israel from Iran's missile barrage
3 week ago
Britain has imposed sanctions against 16 members of the Russian-linked hacker group Evil Corp, the British Foreign Office said.
3 week ago
British Foreign Secretary: The situation in Lebanon is changing and getting worse
US State Department: Secretary Blinken discussed tensions in the Middle East with his British counterpart
3 week ago
Starmer: Britons should take commercial flights while they are available to leave Lebanon
British PM: We need to see an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages in the Middle East
3 week ago
UK Defense Secretary: Ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel will provide opportunity to focus on proposed peace plan
British PM and Lebanese counterpart agree on importance of immediate ceasefire and negotiated solution
Taoiseach urges Irish citizens to leave Lebanon immediately
Reuters: Britain sends 700 soldiers to Cyprus to help its citizens leave Lebanon
Comentaris del secretari d'Afers Exteriors britànic David Lammy a la reunió del Consell de Seguretat de l'ONU sobre Ucraïna ara mateix, adreçant-se directament a Putin i cridant l'ambaixador rus per haver estat al seu telèfon durant el seu discurs. "Putin, quan feu míssils als hospitals d'Ucraïna, sabem qui sou. Quan envieu mercenaris als països africans, sabem qui sou. Quan mateu opositors a les ciutats europees, sabem qui sou. La vostra invasió està en els teus propis interessos.
The Times: More British troops expected to be deployed to Cyprus to help with evacuation from Lebanon
1 month ago
British Foreign Secretary: We are studying the possibility of imposing new sanctions on settlers in the West Bank
Deputy British Ambassador to the Security Council: Israel must respect international law
1 month ago
U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer chaired a COBRA Meeting this morning with several Ministers, to discuss the ongoing Situation in Lebanon, alongside Contingence Plans that are in place to allow the Evacuation of British Nationals from the Region if the Situation Escalates
1 month ago
British Foreign Secretary: The situation in Lebanon could deteriorate rapidly
1 month ago
Italian PM: I agreed with my British counterpart that it is no longer possible to postpone reaching a comprehensive agreement on Gaza
1 month ago
801 migrants crossed the Channel in 14 boats on Saturday
1 month ago
Rússia revoca l'acreditació de sis diplomàtics britànics que acusa d'espiar, segons informen els mitjans russos
Els secretaris d'Afers Exteriors dels Estats Units i el Britànic Antony Blinken i David Lammy van arribar a Kíev1 month ago
Els secretaris d'Afers Exteriors dels Estats Units i el Britànic Antony Blinken i David Lammy van arribar a Kíev