6 July 2024
8 month ago
Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick confirms the Government is scaling back the use of hotels to house asylum seekers - with plans to end the use of 50 hotels for migrants by January
TUI Airways 737 from Corfu overruns the runway at Leeds Bradford Airport in the UK. Emergency equipment is with the aircraft. Flight operations are currently suspended8 month ago
TUI Airways 737 from Corfu overruns the runway at Leeds Bradford Airport in the UK. Emergency equipment is with the aircraft. Flight operations are currently suspended
8 month ago
NL patrol vessel HNMLS Holland has been doing donuts and search/hold patterns south of a 150 km2 large wind farm in the English channel. It is along an expected route of Russias latest subsea warfare ship Yevgeniy Gorigledzha. At the center of the circles are 2 unknown echoes
8 month ago
El Ministeri de Defensa rus diu que el Su-27 va interceptar avions de reconeixement britànics RC-135 i 2 avions de caça Typhoon sobre el mar Negre
8 month ago
The British Foreign Office advises against all travel to Lebanon
8 month ago
British Foreign Minister: Many people jumped to conclusions about what happened in Gaza Hospital without waiting for the investigation
8 month ago
UK police open terror probe after man is stabbed to death and another injured in Hartlepool, northern England. Suspect in custody
8 month ago
Britain will send Royal Navy ships and spy planes to support Israel
A car was torched in the early hours of this morning in Cambuslang in the Greater Glasgow area. Police are conducting enquiries9 month ago
A car was torched in the early hours of this morning in Cambuslang in the Greater Glasgow area. Police are conducting enquiries
9 month ago
There has been a large explosion in Oxfordshire tonight. Suggestions from eye witnesses are a possible lightning strike.
9 month ago
A explosion due to lighting strike is reported near in the Oxford, UK
9 month ago
El Regne Unit planeja enviar tropes a Ucraïna per entrenar forces ucraïneses sobre el terreny, diu el secretari de Defensa, Grant Shapps - Telegraph
9 month ago
Metropolitan Police says a 15-year-old girl has died after a stabbing in Croydon, South London
9 month ago
Les dues cambres del Parlament del Regne Unit acaben d'aprovar la moció del ministre de l'Interior per afegir el Grup Wagner a una llista d'organitzacions terroristes proscrites.
9 month ago
Man dies after being attacked by two dogs in street in Stonnall near Walsall, UK
10 month ago
El Servei de Seguretat d'Ucraïna va acusar el magnat rus Mikhail Fridman de finançar la guerra contra Ucraïna
10 month ago
L'Il-76 de les Forces Aeroespacials russes acaba d'arribar a l'aeròdrom de Machulishchy (districte de Minsk, Bielorússia) des de Rússia. Aquesta és la primera arribada de l'avió de transport militar Il-76 de les Forces Aeroespacials russes a Machulishchy el mes passat. L'avió ha aterrat a les 20:55
10 month ago
Home Office says 661 individuals crossed English Channel in 15 small boats yesterday
10 month ago
The British Prime Minister discusses by phone with the Saudi Crown Prince the relations between the two countries
10 month ago
RAF Typhoon jets have intercepted Russian bombers flying north of Scotland, the UK government has said
10 month ago
Britain: A growing threat around the Strait of Hormuz and all passing ships should be careful and report any suspicious activity
Iran's Foreign Ministry summons Britain's ambassador to Tehran to protest his "interference in Iran's internal affairs".
11 month ago
El govern del Regne Unit ha posat sancions a persones amb vincles amb el grup Wagner a la República Centreafricana
11 month ago
Cap del Servei d'Intel·ligència Britànic: la decisió de l'Iran de proporcionar a Rússia drons genera disputes a Teheran
12 month ago
Chinese Embassy in London: Britain suppresses Chinese companies and we strongly oppose its discriminatory measures
A Vílnius, el president d'Ucraïna, Zelensky, es va reunir amb el primer ministre del Canadà, Justin Trudeau, el canceller d'Alemanya, Olaf Scholz, i el primer ministre del Regne Unit, Rishi Sunak.
Two brothers from Birmingham , UK have been arrested for trying to travel to Afghanistan to join the Islamic State Khorasan branch (ISKP)12 month ago
Two brothers from Birmingham , UK have been arrested for trying to travel to Afghanistan to join the Islamic State Khorasan branch (ISKP)
1 year ago
British government: We will create a new sanctions program on Iran to expand the criteria for applying sanctions
1 year ago
The UK is planning new powers to sanction Iran after more than 15 “credible threats” to kill or kidnap people in Britain who are deemed as a threat by the government, the foreign secretary @JamesCleverly has announced
1 year ago
Britain adds 13 entities to the sanctions list related to human rights violations in Iran