Home Office says 661 individuals crossed English Channel in 15 small boats yesterday
The British Prime Minister discusses by phone with the Saudi Crown Prince the relations between the two countries
RAF Typhoon jets have intercepted Russian bombers flying north of Scotland, the UK government has said
Britain: A growing threat around the Strait of Hormuz and all passing ships should be careful and report any suspicious activity
Iran's Foreign Ministry summons Britain's ambassador to Tehran to protest his "interference in Iran's internal affairs".
Guvernul Marii Britanii a aplicat sancțiuni persoanelor cu legături cu grupul Wagner din Republica Centrafricană
Șeful Serviciului Britanic de Informații: decizia Iranului de a furniza Rusiei drone ridică dispute la Teheran
Chinese Embassy in London: Britain suppresses Chinese companies and we strongly oppose its discriminatory measures
La Vilnius, președintele Ucrainei Zelensky a avut întâlniri cu premierul Canadei Justin Trudeau, cancelarul Germaniei Olaf Scholz, premierul Marii Britanii Rishi Sunak
1 an înapoi Two brothers from Birmingham , UK have been arrested for trying to travel to Afghanistan to join the Islamic State Khorasan branch (ISKP)
British government: We will create a new sanctions program on Iran to expand the criteria for applying sanctions
The UK is planning new powers to sanction Iran after more than 15 “credible threats” to kill or kidnap people in Britain who are deemed as a threat by the government, the foreign secretary @JamesCleverly has announced
Britain adds 13 entities to the sanctions list related to human rights violations in Iran
Delegația militară chineză a discutat în Marea Britanie și Franța despre dezvoltarea cooperării în domeniul apărării – Ministerul Apărării din China
Președintele Biden „a vorbit astăzi cu președintele Emmanuel Macron al Franței, cancelarul Olaf Scholz al Germaniei și prim-ministrul Rishi Sunak al Regatului Unit. Liderii au discutat despre situația din Rusia. Și-au afirmat, de asemenea, sprijinul lor neclintit pentru Ucraina", potrivit White. Casa.
A tourist submarine used to take tourists to view the Titanic has gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean. Search and rescue mission ongoing - BBC
UK police say man arrested after 3 people found dead in Nottingham, 3 others injured when hit by van
British Police: The investigation team is still working at the scene to find out what happened in Nottingham
The security alert in the center of Nottingham amounts to dealing with a terrorist incident
1 an înapoi Police dealing with a "major incident" in Nottingham have closed multiple roads around the city.nnEmergency services are present at areas including the Maid Marian Way junction of Upper Parliament Street
UK police assessing suspicious package near Downing street in London - statement
1 an înapoi Secretarul de externe al Marii Britanii, James Cleverly, sa întâlnit cu președintele Zelensky la Kyiv
Marea Britanie anunță noi sancțiuni împotriva Rusiei, inclusiv un embargo asupra diamantelor
1 an înapoi Președintele Zelensky a sosit la Londra
Marea Britanie a furnizat Ucrainei rachete de croazieră Storm Shadow, anunță Ben Wallace. Secția apărării le spune parlamentarilor că donația oferă Ucrainei „cea mai bună șansă de a se apăra împotriva brutalității continue a Rusiei", în special țintirea infrastructurii civile împotriva dreptului internațional.
1 an înapoi Potrivit CNN, oficialii occidentali le-au spus că Marea Britanie a furnizat Ucrainei mai multe rachete de croazieră Storm Shadow. Acestea sunt de obicei lansate prin aer
Thousands gather in London to attend the coronation ceremony of King Charles III on the British throne
BBC chairman Richard Sharp announces resignation over loan to former PM Boris Johnson
British Foreign Secretary: We are doing everything we can to seek a cease-fire in Sudan
A UK foreign minister - @AndrewmitchMP - says he understands that a French special forces soldier is "gravely ill" after a French team that was evacuating diplomats and others was shot at as they left the gates of France's embassy in Sudan's capital, Khartoum