5 אוקטובר 2024
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The British Prime Minister expects to hold legislative elections in the second half of 2024
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Reuters, from the British Foreign Minister: I made it clear to my Iranian counterpart that Tehran must share the responsibility for preventing Houthi attacks
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שר החוץ הבריטי: הודעתי לשר החוץ האיראני שארצו נושאת באחריות לפיגוע בים האדום
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דוברת משרד החוץ הרוסי זכרובה האשימה את בריטניה בכך שהיא עומדת מאחורי אוקראינה בפיגוע בבלגרוד, קריאות לפגישה עם מועצת הביטחון של האו"ם
Maduro orders the Venezuelan military to conduct 'defensive actions' in the Atlantic in response to the Royal Navy Offshore Patrol Vessel 'HMS Trent' visiting Guyana9 חודש לפני
Maduro orders the Venezuelan military to conduct 'defensive actions' in the Atlantic in response to the Royal Navy Offshore Patrol Vessel 'HMS Trent' visiting Guyana
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro orders more than 5,600 military personnel to participate in a defensive exercise, after Britain said it was sending a Royal Navy warship to waters off neighboring Guyana9 חודש לפני
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro orders more than 5,600 military personnel to participate in a "defensive" exercise, after Britain said it was sending a Royal Navy warship to waters off neighboring Guyana
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A second man has been arrested on suspicion of theft and criminal damage after the removal of a Banksy art installation in Peckham, south-east London, the Metropolitan Police said
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British Ministry of Defence: The security situation in the Red Sea is deteriorating
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Defense Secretary Austin announced a new international task force to protect shipping from Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. The group will be called Operation Prosperity Guardian and includes the UK, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain
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Yván Gil, Foreign Minister of Venezuela: "Instead of sending ridiculous messages of intrigue, the United Kingdom must take charge, with true honor, of the commitments assumed in 1966"
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Yván Gil criticizes the "looting attitude" of the United Kingdom for intervening in the Essequibo controversy: "Guyana and Venezuela will resolve this matter"
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HMS Diamond, one of the Navy's most advanced warships, swiftly intercepted and neutralised a potential threat to merchant vessels in the Red Sea using a Sea Viper missile.
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British Government: The escalation of settler violence in the West Bank is unacceptable
US and UK announce joint sanctions against Iran's IRGC-Quds Force, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad9 חודש לפני
US and UK announce joint sanctions against Iran's IRGC-Quds Force, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad
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South Wales Police said they were responding to a "serious incident" at Treforest Industrial Estate in Pontypridd after witness's reported hearing a "massive explosion"
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The British House of Commons approves the government's project to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda
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.@grantshapps אישרה את הרכש של אוקראינה של 2 ספינות צייד מוקשים @RoyalNavy. ראש חיל הים של אוקראינה אמר כי "אנחנו לא יכולים להביא אותם לים השחור בגלל אמנת מונטרה, אבל ברגע שננצח במלחמה הזו תהיה להם הרבה עבודה לעשות בים השחור".
היום שרי ההגנה של בריטניה ונורבגיה השיקו קואליציית יכולת ימית חדשה, כדי לעזור לאוקראינה לשנות את הצי שלה, להפוך אותה לתואמת יותר עם בעלות ברית מערביות, יותר פעולה הדדית עם @NATO ולחזק את האבטחה בים השחור:9 חודש לפני
היום שרי ההגנה של בריטניה ונורבגיה השיקו קואליציית יכולת ימית חדשה, כדי לעזור לאוקראינה לשנות את הצי שלה, להפוך אותה לתואמת יותר עם בעלות ברית מערביות, יותר פעולה הדדית עם @NATO ולחזק את האבטחה בים השחור:
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AFP: The British government accuses Russia of launching an electronic campaign against senior politicians
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Russia’s security service FSB has compromised the private conversations of high-profile politicians and civil servants during sustained attempts to interfere in UK political processes, Foreign Office minister Leo Docherty has told MPs
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Sellafield nuclear site hacked by groups linked to Russia and China
נשיא אוקראינה זלנסקי קיים שיחת טלפון עם ראש ממשלת בריטניה רישי סונק10 חודש לפני
נשיא אוקראינה זלנסקי קיים שיחת טלפון עם ראש ממשלת בריטניה רישי סונק
Tensions are flaring in Dublin this evening after a stabbing attack near a school which took place this afternoon. The report shows 5 injured, including 3 children. A suspect has been arrested. The motive for this attack is not known at this time.10 חודש לפני
Tensions are flaring in Dublin this evening after a stabbing attack near a school which took place this afternoon. The report shows 5 injured, including 3 children. A suspect has been arrested. The motive for this attack is not known at this time.
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Violence involving "hooligan faction" breaks out in Dublin, Irish police chief says, hours after knife attack in city centre
A City Bus and several Police Cars alongside a few Personal Vehicles have been Caught on Fire and Destroyed in Dublin, Ireland tonight during the Riots across the City caused by the Stabbing Attack today10 חודש לפני
A City Bus and several Police Cars alongside a few Personal Vehicles have been Caught on Fire and Destroyed in Dublin, Ireland tonight during the Riots across the City caused by the Stabbing Attack today
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Police in Dublin are dealing with a "serious incident" after a stabbing involving several children in the city centre
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Britain and South Korea will launch talks on a new trade deal
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הנשיא זלנסקי: אירח את @David_Cameron בביקורו הראשון באוקראינה כשר החוץ של בריטניה. הייתה לנו פגישה טובה שהתמקדה בנשק לקו החזית, חיזוק ההגנה האווירית והגנה על האנשים והתשתיות הקריטיות שלנו. אני אסיר תודה לבריטניה על תמיכתה
The Rt Hon @David_Cameron has been appointed Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs @FCDOGovUK10 חודש לפני
The Rt Hon @David_Cameron has been appointed Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs @FCDOGovUK
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James Cleverley was appointed British Home Secretary to succeed Braverman