19 Septembre 2024
9 mois il y a
South Wales Police said they were responding to a "serious incident" at Treforest Industrial Estate in Pontypridd after witness's reported hearing a "massive explosion"
9 mois il y a
The British House of Commons approves the government's project to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda
9 mois il y a
.@grantshapps a confirmé l'acquisition par l'Ukraine de 2 navires chasseurs de mines @RoyalNavy. Le chef de la marine ukrainienne a déclaré que "nous ne pouvons pas les amener en mer Noire à cause de la Convention de Montreux, mais dès que nous aurons gagné cette guerre, ils auront beaucoup de travail à faire en mer Noire".
Aujourd'hui, les ministres de la Défense du Royaume-Uni et de la Norvège ont lancé une nouvelle coalition sur les capacités maritimes, pour aider l'Ukraine à transformer sa marine, la rendant plus compatible avec les alliés occidentaux, plus interopérable avec l'@OTAN et renforçant la sécurité en mer Noire :9 mois il y a
Aujourd'hui, les ministres de la Défense du Royaume-Uni et de la Norvège ont lancé une nouvelle coalition sur les capacités maritimes, pour aider l'Ukraine à transformer sa marine, la rendant plus compatible avec les alliés occidentaux, plus interopérable avec l'@OTAN et renforçant la sécurité en mer Noire :
9 mois il y a
AFP: The British government accuses Russia of launching an electronic campaign against senior politicians
9 mois il y a
Russia’s security service FSB has compromised the private conversations of high-profile politicians and civil servants during sustained attempts to interfere in UK political processes, Foreign Office minister Leo Docherty has told MPs
Sellafield nuclear site hacked by groups linked to Russia and China
Le Président ukrainien Zelensky a eu un entretien téléphonique avec le Premier ministre britannique Rishi Sunak9 mois il y a
Le Président ukrainien Zelensky a eu un entretien téléphonique avec le Premier ministre britannique Rishi Sunak
Des tensions éclatent ce soir à Dublin après une attaque au couteau près d'une école qui a eu lieu dans l'après-midi. Le bilan fait état de 5 blessés, dont 3 enfants. Un suspect a été arrêté. Le motif de cette attaque n'est pas connu à cette heure10 mois il y a
Des tensions éclatent ce soir à Dublin après une attaque au couteau près d'une école qui a eu lieu dans l'après-midi. Le bilan fait état de 5 blessés, dont 3 enfants. Un suspect a été arrêté. Le motif de cette attaque n'est pas connu à cette heure
10 mois il y a
Violence involving "hooligan faction" breaks out in Dublin, Irish police chief says, hours after knife attack in city centre
A City Bus and several Police Cars alongside a few Personal Vehicles have been Caught on Fire and Destroyed in Dublin, Ireland tonight during the Riots across the City caused by the Stabbing Attack today10 mois il y a
A City Bus and several Police Cars alongside a few Personal Vehicles have been Caught on Fire and Destroyed in Dublin, Ireland tonight during the Riots across the City caused by the Stabbing Attack today
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Police in Dublin are dealing with a "serious incident" after a stabbing involving several children in the city centre
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Britain and South Korea will launch talks on a new trade deal
10 mois il y a
Président Zelensky : a accueilli @David_Cameron lors de sa première visite en Ukraine en tant que ministre des Affaires étrangères du Royaume-Uni. Nous avons eu une bonne réunion axée sur les armes pour la ligne de front, le renforcement de la défense aérienne et la protection de notre population et de nos infrastructures critiques. Je remercie le Royaume-Uni pour son soutien
The Rt Hon @David_Cameron has been appointed Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs @FCDOGovUK10 mois il y a
The Rt Hon @David_Cameron has been appointed Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs @FCDOGovUK
10 mois il y a
James Cleverley was appointed British Home Secretary to succeed Braverman
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Home Secretary Suella Braverman has been sacked by Rishi Sunak
10 mois il y a
Metropolitan Police: Today's policing operation is now drawing to a close. Officers worked tirelessly to keep London safe, making at least 126 arrests in the face of significant violence. Sadly, nine officers were injured. Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist's statement gives an overview of events
British Foreign Minister: We support a security role for Israel in Gaza for a transitional period
Riyadh: Foreign Minister HH Prince @FaisalbinFarhan meets with UK Foreign Secretary @JamesCleverly
10 mois il y a
Three men have been arrested after an attack on a 64-year-old man in Hove that left him seriously injured
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Britain's Foreign Office temporarily withdraws some British embassy staff from Lebanon. (Reuters)
10 mois il y a
Officers are responding to a group of protestors who have sat down and blocked Oxford Circus.This behaviour clearly impacts on London's ability to function normally and we are working quickly to reopen the road
12z UKMO showing some alarming wind gusts for western English Channel, including the Channel Islands tonight / early Thursday. 120mph10 mois il y a
12z UKMO showing some alarming wind gusts for western English Channel, including the Channel Islands tonight / early Thursday. 120mph
10 mois il y a
Sunak: During my phone conversations with Netanyahu, I stressed the importance of accelerating the flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
11 mois il y a
Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick confirms the Government is scaling back the use of hotels to house asylum seekers - with plans to end the use of 50 hotels for migrants by January
TUI Airways 737 from Corfu overruns the runway at Leeds Bradford Airport in the UK. Emergency equipment is with the aircraft. Flight operations are currently suspended11 mois il y a
TUI Airways 737 from Corfu overruns the runway at Leeds Bradford Airport in the UK. Emergency equipment is with the aircraft. Flight operations are currently suspended
11 mois il y a
NL patrol vessel HNMLS Holland has been doing donuts and search/hold patterns south of a 150 km2 large wind farm in the English channel. It is along an expected route of Russias latest subsea warfare ship Yevgeniy Gorigledzha. At the center of the circles are 2 unknown echoes
11 mois il y a
Le ministère russe de la Défense affirme que le Su-27 a intercepté un avion de reconnaissance britannique RC-135 et deux avions de combat Typhoon au-dessus de la mer Noire.
11 mois il y a
The British Foreign Office advises against all travel to Lebanon