Irish language workers have gone on strike across Ireland in protest over a funding crisis that is affecting more than 40 community groups. Speaking outside west Belfast's Culturlann,
A fourth man has been arrested by police investigating a fatal stabbing in Dublin earlier this month
Telegraphin mukaan Ranska saattaa sijoittaa ydinaseisia sotalentokoneita Saksaan osana pelotteen sateenvarjoa Eurooppaa vastaan.
Merz: “We need to have discussions with both the British and the French — the two European nuclear powers — about whether nuclear sharing, or at least nuclear security from the U.K. and France, could also apply to us.”
Northern Ireland’s First Minister, Sinn Fein vice president Michelle O’Neill, has announced she will not attend the White House for traditional St Patrick’s Day events in protest at the US administration’s stance on Gaza
3 viikko sittenAccording to White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt, next week, U.S. President Donald J. Trump will host French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Thursday at the White House
Iso-Britannia vastaa vertaamalla Zelenskyn päätöstä keskeyttää vaalit Churchillin päätökseen toisen maailmansodan aikana. Downing Streetin tiedottaja sanoi: "Pääministeri puhui presidentti Zelenskyyn kanssa tänä iltana ja korosti tarvetta kaikkien työskennellä yhdessä. "Pääministeri ilmaisi tukensa presidentti Zelenskyille Ukrainan demokraattisesti valittuna johtajana ja sanoi, että on täysin järkevää keskeyttää vaalit sodan aikana, kuten Britannia teki toisen maailmansodan aikana."
3 viikko sittenDublin: Gardaí seize over €1 million in drugs and cash in Tallaght raid. Cannabis, cocaine, and ketamine worth €950,000 recovered, along with more than €231,000 in cash. Two suspects in their 20s remain in custody
3 viikko sittenIson-Britannian pääministeri Kier Starmer on kirjoittanut The Telegraphille toimituksellisen artikkelin otsikolla "Brittien mahdollinen vahingoittaminen on valtava vastuu - mutta meidän on oltava valmiita tekemään osamme Euroopan hyväksi". Hän sanoo menevänsä Pariisiin selkeän viestin kanssa. Euroopan on tehostettava omaa puolustustaan.
Keir Starmer puhui Ukrainan presidentin Zelenskyyn kanssa tänä aamuna ja kertoi hänelle, että Ukrainan matkalla Nato-jäsenyyteen on "peruuttamatonta" Trumpin kommenteista huolimatta. No 10 sanoi: "Pääministeri aloitti toistamalla Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan konkreettisen tuen Ukrainalle niin kauan kuin sitä tarvitaan. "Hän oli yksiselitteinen, ettei Ukrainasta voi keskustella ilman Ukrainaa.
Britannian ulkoministeri: Keskustelin maailmanlaajuisesta vakaudesta kiinalaisen kollegani kanssa, mukaan lukien Lähi-idän ja Ukrainan
Keir Starmer has been forced to cut short a visit in Buckinghamshire after tractor-driving farmers staged a loud protest
The Taoiseach accused Sinn Fein of “politicking around Northern Ireland” issues as he defended his decision not to nominate any senators with a Unionist or Protestant background
Dozens of tractors block major roads in London as farmers protest against new tax law
1 kuukausi sittenPolice and protesters from at least 28 diasporic groups - including Hong Kong, Tibetan, Uyghur, Chinese Dissident, and other resident organisations - outside the proposed site of the new Chinese Embassy redevelopment in Royal Mint Court central London
Police are investigating the sudden death of a man in Londonderry
Britain says more humanitarian aid needed to get into Gaza
1 kuukausi sittenIsrael calling Ireland, Spain, Slovenia, Sweden, Norway and others: Can you please inform the Israeli foreign ministry in Jerusalem, which day you are sending ships to dock at the Gaza port and bring Gazans, who wish to leave to your respective countries please
Britain on Thursday summoned the Russian ambassador to London for a meeting with a senior British official to revoke the accreditation of a Russian diplomat
1 kuukausi sittenBritannian ulkoministeri David Lemmy saapuu Kiovaan
Greenland: Danish and British heads of government meet in London
Britain imposes new sanctions on Belarus
1 kuukausi sittenElon Musk: New name for the water that separates England and France is George Washington Channel
Mobile operator Three UK has said its services have “almost returned to normal” following an issue with users making calls on Thursday, adding it is continuing to investigate reports some people were unable to make 999 calls
Axel Rudakubana, 18, pleads guilty to murdering three girls in knife attack in Southport, UK
Police are investigating the theft of an ATM in Mallusk, Co Antrim
Britannian pääministeri Keir Starmer on saapunut Kiovaan allekirjoittamaan Downing Streetin "100-vuotisen historiallisen kumppanuuden" Ukrainan kanssa. Sopimus virallistaa maalle jo luvatun taloudellisen ja sotilaallisen tuen ja tarjoaa enemmän
Labour's Tulip Siddiq has resigned as UK Treasury minister, Downing Street says
Up to 400 tractors are set to protest around Lisburn and Banbridge in ongoing disputes over changes to inheritance tax for farmers
2 kuukausi sittenBritish MPs vote against national inquiry into grooming gangs in 364-111 vote