22 十一 2024
美国国务院就布林肯访问英国、乌克兰和波兰发表声明:"国务卿安东尼·J·布林肯将于 9 月 9 日至 10 日访问英国,开启美英战略对话,重申我们的特殊关系。在伦敦期间,布林肯国务卿还将与高级政府官员会面,讨论一系列关键问题,包括印度太平洋、AUKUS 伙伴关系、中东以及我们为支持乌克兰而做出的共同努力。9 月 11 日,布林肯国务卿将与英国外交大臣戴维·拉米一起访问乌克兰,与乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基和乌克兰高级政府官员会面,讨论继续支持乌克兰抵御俄罗斯侵略以及如何确保乌克兰在军事、经济和民主方面长期繁荣发展。9 月 12 日,布林肯国务卿将访问波兰,与波兰高级政府官员会面,讨论一系列重要的双边问题,包括深化我们的国防和能源合作,以及我们作为北约盟国致力于支持乌克兰的防御。"
British Foreign Secretary: There must be a path to a two-state solution
UK accuses Google of 'monopolistic behaviour' in online advertising market
Woman killed in single-vehicle road crash in Ballymena
Iran summons British charge d'affaires in Tehran over recent UK sanctions on Iran
British Defense Minister: We are fully committed to defending Israel
British government says it is suspending exports of some weapons to Israel because there is a risk they could be used to break international law
British Foreign Secretary: We condemn the continued Houthi attacks in the Red Sea
There has just been a triple explosion in East London (Royal Victoria / near the Silvertown tunnel). I think it was a BBC World truck. We noticed it around lunch time as it was unusually in the area. Then 20 mins ago we felt & heard the 3 strong explosions. No clue what happened1 月 前
There has just been a triple explosion in East London (Royal Victoria / near the Silvertown tunnel). I think it was a BBC World truck. We noticed it around lunch time as it was unusually in the area. Then 20 mins ago we felt & heard the 3 strong explosions. No clue what happened
Britain calls on Israel to exercise 'restraint', warns of risk of 'instability' over West Bank operations
Irish Foreign Minister: We will support the recommendation to impose EU sanctions on Israeli settlement organizations
A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of a woman in Londonderry
UK statement on PM-China call: Leaders agree on need for stable, consistent UK-China relationship
Chinese President to British PM: International situation is changing and intertwined
Chinese President in talks with British PM: Beijing, London should strengthen bilateral dialogue, cooperation
British and French Foreign Ministers: Any Iranian attack will have devastating consequences
Iraq summons UK charge d'affaires over remarks made by British Ambassador to Iraq Stephen Hitchen about country's security and political issues – state news agency